I’m Randy from Billings. I came to see Dr. Boyce. I needed some dental implants. I had been having some pain and some other problems. I don’t think it’s anybody’s favorite thing to go to an oral surgeon, but when I walked in Boyce’s office, they just did a great job, and I was calm. They took me back — I didn’t have to wait very long. It just turned out to be as positive of an experience as it could be for something that you really don’t want to do. The staff was great. They make you feel welcome. They calm you down, just nice, friendly people that really helped out. Recovery, I expected pain and I didn’t really have any pain. I was really happy about that, but the thing that I was impressed with — I think they called me two or three times just to make sure that I was okay, if I needed anything else. I really appreciated that. I have had friends from Laurel and Miles City and Louis Town that I've actually referred to Dr. Boyce. I don’t know if they’ve been here yet, but I have referred him. I would definitely recommend Dr. Boyce for this kind of work.